Project Assistant at JBA Consulting, Saltaire
I did my placement as part of the professional development module of the MSc course with JBA Consulting at Saltaire Office for ten weeks from November 2017 to February 2018. I worked as aprocet assistant on the ‘River Wyre Flood Management Scoping Study: Upland Landscape Assessment’ project funded by the Environmental Agency. During this placement, I looked at the potentials of Natural Flood Management (NFM) implementation by analysing the drainage patterns of the area with the focus on pre-1888 rivers and rivers developed then after using ArcGIS software. Towards the end of the placement, I wrote a report by highlighting the priority wise potential NFM areas in the upland of River Wyre catchment.
Through this role, I developed my understanding of hydrological processes in the upland catchment and enhanced my spatial data processing skill using ArcGIS. Based on my performance in this role, I have been offered a part-time job as a Junior Flood Modeller at Skipton Office.

Figure: Working as a project assistant as part of the professional development module (Student Placement).