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Royal Geographical Society's (RGS) Conference-2018

During my MSc studies at Leeds University, I have attended the Royal Geographical Society's Annual International Conference at Cardiff University, UK from August 28 to 31, 2018 where I presented the paper titled 'Dynamics of land use change in the Middle Teesta Watershed (India) between pre-monsoon and post-monsoon study periods, using remote sensing and GIS techniques' under the theme of Changing landscapes of the Earth, Atmosphere and everything in between.

This was the largest annual geography conference in Europe where more than 1300 delegates made their presence and 30% of which were from outside the UK. Besides, my presentation, I have attained many other sessions to listen to other scholars and world's renowned experts about the present environmental challenges as well as future direction of geographical research. It was indeed a great event for me as I met many other energetic and motivated scholars, leading professors from different sub-disciplines of geography and environment in broad, interacted with them and also had the opportunity to share and exchange research ideas. I also had the opportunity to create networks in different parts of Europe and beyond throughout the conference period started from the inaugural session to the valedictory remarks. Following are some of the moments I captured during the conference.


Figure: Some glimpse of presenting my work and attending sessions at the RGS Annual International Conference at Cardiff University in Aug, 2018.

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